I'm currently a pre-final year student, pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad.
I am a full-stack web developer and a competitive programmer who loves to design and develop beautiful websites. I love to learn new things, I'm always open to learn new technologies and constantly strive to improve my technical competency.
My projects make use of a vast variety of latest technology tools. My best experiences are with NodeJS, ReactJS and Next JS. Below are some of my projects.
ResumeThese are the languages and framework that I use.
Integrated APIs with frontend, developed authentication routes, created and managed database schemas, managed application state with react-redux
Bloggy is a platform to publish your feeling, ideas, experience to public. You can create and find unique and beautiful blogs here.
Bloggy uses Nodejs as backend and MongoDB to store data. Frontend of the app is made with React, application state is managed with react-redux and it uses ChakraUI to create beautiful and responsive components for the app. It uses TinyMCE rich text editor to create blogs.
Created a Nodejs based web app and implementing clustering and LRU page replacement algorithm for faster data access, more efficient handling of large number of requests.
Faster data access is gained by using LRU page replacement algorithm that caches previously fetched data so we don't have to perform frequent database queries and server performance is increased by concurrently running multiple child processes to efficiently use CPU cores.
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